Compassionate palliative care in your community


Our staff and volunteers work closely together to promote and provide quality care to support people who are living with a life-limiting illness.

Being a palliative care volunteer is a very special role. Our volunteers will spend time with people who have been assessed as palliative and who are journeying towards the end stage of their lives.   They are there to provide practical and emotional support to patients, families and carers in an aim to enhance the quality, independence and dignity of those concerned.

In Home Hospice Care volunteers are hand-picked for their depth of understanding of the needs of the very ill, their families and carers and come from all walks of life, bringing to the program a diverse range of life skills.

Education and Training

Education and Training

Volunteers will have access to ongoing education and training, and are closely supported and supervised in their roles.

Training is provided free of charge in Mount Gambier. The length of this course is 4-6 weeks with weekly sessions which are offered face to face and/or on-line at a designated premises.   

The sessions are based on the Palliative Care Victoria Training Program which is recognised and used for training of volunteers of SA Palliative Care.  Topics covered are:

  • Introduction to Palliative Care
  • Illnesses and Care
  • Palliative Care Volunteer’s Role
  • Dying and Death
  • Communication Skills
  • Diversity
  • Spirituality
  • Self-care of the Volunteer
  • Responding to Loss and Grief
  • Infection Control and Hand Hygiene
  • Manual Handling ‘No Lift’ Techniques

Participants do not sit exams but are expected to attend the whole course.  

All Volunteers must comply with the policies and procedural requirements of In Home Hospice Care and hold current DHS Screenings and a National Police clearance.

Why be a Volunteer?

Why Volunteer

Volunteering offers an opportunity for people to be involved with others at one of the most significant times in their lives. Those wishing to become volunteers will usually have had some life experience that has touched them and made them more aware of the circumstances that face those living with a life-limiting illness.

The desire to help others, learn more about grief and loss, and come to terms with their own mortality, are all legitimate and worthwhile reasons to volunteer for hospice care service. 

Many volunteers say they learn a lot about themselves through the act of caring for others and feel a deep satisfaction at being able to help someone at the end of their life, and of making a real, significant contribution to their community. Hospice volunteers also get to make deep connections with clients and their families.

How much time will I have to commit?

Volunteer commitment varies and depends upon how much time volunteers can give. Depending on the number of clients at any one time there is an expectation of 3 to 4 hours a week.

Volunteers give their time generously and thus are free to take time out as desired. All volunteers are encouraged to pursue other interests while remaining part of the team to avoid burnout.

Becoming a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer

All individuals, irrespective of sexual orientation, gender, race or creed are welcome to enquire about volunteering with us, and to be assessed for volunteer support. Mount Gambier In Home Hospice Care welcomes and celebrates diversity and works to help build an inclusive, informed and connected community.

Patient Care Volunteers

IHHCare volunteers focus on providing emotional and practical assistance to those who are palliative, their family and carer; including giving the family and/or carer the opportunity to take a break by performing activities that complement and enhance the care being provided by health professionals.

Volunteers do not administer medication or provide clinical advice. Not only does a patient care volunteer make a huge difference to the person who is dying and their family, but also to the volunteer’s own life. Volunteers learn to cherish each day, listen deeply and value life as a precious gift.

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Administration Volunteers

You can provide assistance with a variety of general office tasks such as photocopying, collating of training resources, proof-reading.

Community/Ambassador Volunteers

Help to promote the importance of our in home hospice care program, and of palliative care within our community. You will need to have an understanding of our organisation and the services we deliver.

Community volunteers may also provide support with fundraising activities.

To apply for any of the above, please download and complete the Application Form or call in at our office.

Volunteer Application Form
