Compassionate palliative care in your community

Our Supporters






Govt of SA logo 

The Hospital Research Foundation Group




Palliative Care 2022 Grants Program

Department for Health and Wellbeing

Grant available to improve palliative care data collection, monitoring and reporting and to improve access to palliative care in the community (including grief and bereavement).


Masonic Charities Logo

The Masonic Charities Trust

South Australia and the Northern Territory

Repurposed funds from the sale of not-for-profit Masonic Homes retirement villages are being used to support research and delivery of health initiatives and other beneficial community activities throughout South Australia and the Northern Territory which have relevance and alignment with Freemasonry’s underlying charter of benevolence.


WISE Employment

WISE Employment

WISE Employment pioneer and fund community programs designed to advocate for inclusion. They aim to improve communities through social enterprises, training and special projects.


CIty of Mount Gambier logo

City of Mount Gambier

Advocacy of In Home Hospice Care and financial assistance through the 'Community Strengthening Program'.


DC of Grant logo

District Council of Grant

Advocacy on behalf of In Home Hospice Care and financial assistance over a period of three years ending 2024/2025.




Proud supporters of In Home Hospice Care.


 Lions International 


Gambier City Lions Club Inc


